How To Grow the Permanent Marker Strain: A Comprehensive Overview

I. Introduction 

  1. Brief history and legalization of cannabis cultivation.
  2. The importance and impact of strain selection on the cultivation process.
  3. Overview of the Permanent Marker strain 

II. Understanding Cannabis Growth Basics 

  1. Lifecycle of a cannabis plant: Seed, seedling, vegetative and flowering stage.
  2. Basic needs: Light, air, water, nutrients, temperature, and humidity.
  3. Common cannabis pests and diseases.

III. Selecting Your Grow Space 

  1. Indoor vs. Outdoor Cultivation: Pros and Cons.
  2. Factors to consider when setting up an indoor grow space.
  3. Factors to consider when setting up an outdoor grow space.

IV. Equipment & Setup 

  1. Detailed equipment list for indoor and outdoor setups.
  2. Setting up your grow room/space step-by-step.

V. The Cannabis Plant: Genetics and Physiology 

  1. Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid: What’s the difference?
  2. Understanding cannabis genetics and their impact on growth and product.
  3. Cannabis plant physiology and the growth process.

VI. Cultivation Process 

  1. Germinating your cannabis seeds.
  2. Caring for seedlings.
  3. Managing the vegetative stage.
  4. Understanding and inducing the flowering stage.
  5. Harvesting, drying, and curing.

VII. Advanced Techniques 

  1. Pruning, L.S.T., HST, super cropping, SCROG, etc.
  2. Maximizing yield and potency.
  3. Troubleshooting common growth issues.

VIII. Legal and Ethical Considerations 

  1. Overview of legal statuses and considerations.
  2. Ethical considerations in cannabis cultivation.
  3. Community impact and engagement.

IX. Conclusion 

  1. Recap of the cultivation process and its impact.
  2. Reflection on the importance of responsible and ethical cultivation practices.

I. Introduction

The evolution of cannabis cultivation has been a fascinating journey, with roots tracing back to ancient times. Historically, cannabis was used for various purposes, including medicinal applications, spiritual practices, and producing essential commodities such as paper and clothing. Over time, changing societal attitudes, combined with progressive legislation, have led to a growing acceptance and legalization of cannabis cultivation in many parts of the world. This shift has ushered in an era of immense growth and innovation in the cannabis industry, allowing breeders to develop a wide variety of strains with diverse characteristics.

One such variety is the Permanent Marker strain—a unique hybrid deriving its genetics from Biscotti, Jealousy, and Sherb BX. Understanding the genetic background of a cultivar is crucial as it directly influences the plant’s growth pattern, resistance to diseases, potency, and other significant factors.

Biscotti, renowned for its rich, sweet cookie flavor profile and calming effects, contributes to the complexity of the Permanent Marker strain. It has a reputation for its resilient growth, making it a favorite strain for breeders. Jealousy, a hybrid with a high THC content and a distinct fruity flavor, contributes to the strain’s potent effects and delicious taste. Lastly, Sherb BX, known for its heavy yield and sweet, creamy flavor, enhances the overall production and flavor profile of the Permanent Marker.

When these genetics come together, they form the Permanent Marker strain, named for its distinctly sharp, slightly chemical aroma reminiscent of a permanent marker, combined with undertones of sweetness from its parent strains. This hybrid strain presents an interesting interplay of flavors and effects, making it a valuable addition to the cannabis world.

Growing the Permanent Marker strain, as with any cannabis strain, requires understanding the plant’s needs at each stage of its life cycle. To do so, it’s vital to comprehend the basic elements of cannabis cultivation, ranging from seed germination to the flowering stage.


Whether you’re a seasoned grower looking to add a new strain to your garden or a novice stepping into the world of cannabis cultivation, growing the Permanent Marker strain can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor.

In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into the fundamental aspects of cannabis cultivation, outlining the lifecycle of a cannabis plant, its basic needs, common pests and diseases, and how to set up an optimal grow space. We’ll also take a closer look at the cultivation process itself, including germination, vegetative and flowering stages, and the final harvest. With this knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to grow the Permanent Marker strain successfully.

Cannabis cultivation is not merely a mechanical process but a journey of discovery and understanding. Let’s embark on this journey to uncover how to grow the Permanent Marker strain.

II. Understanding Cannabis Growth Basics

Growing any strain of cannabis, including Permanent Marker, requires a fundamental understanding of the plant’s life cycle and needs. Whether grown indoors or outdoors, cannabis requires certain conditions to thrive. In this section, we will explore these key factors.

Lifecycle of a Cannabis Plant: The cannabis plant goes through distinct stages in its life cycle, each requiring specific care and attention.

    • Seed: This is the initial stage where the cannabis plant begins its life. A cannabis seed is usually dark brown with a hard shell. The seeds are ready for germination when they can withstand light pressure without cracking.
    • Seedling: Once a seed germinates, it enters the seedling stage. The young plant develops its first pair of leaves that allow it to photosynthesize. During this phase, the seedling requires a significant amount of light and water but must be handled with care due to its fragile nature.
    • Vegetative: After the seedling stage, the cannabis plant enters the vegetative phase. This is the growth stage where the plant develops its structure – the stems and leaves. The plant will require more light, water, and nutrients during this period to support its rapid growth.
      • Flowering: This is the final phase of the cannabis lifecycle, where the plant produces buds, which are the actual ‘fruits’ that we harvest. It’s important to remember that lighting and nutrient requirements change significantly during this stage

Basic Needs: Cannabis, like all plants, has specific needs that must be met for it to grow and prosper.

    • Light: Light is essential for photosynthesis, the process by which plants, including cannabis, produce energy for growth. The type, intensity, and duration of light exposure can significantly impact cannabis plant development.
    • Air: Proper ventilation is critical to plant health, helping to control temperature and humidity and prevent disease and pest infestations. Plants also require carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, which they absorb from the air.
    • Water: Watering frequency and quantity significantly influence cannabis health. Overwatering or underwatering can lead to various issues, so finding the right balance is crucial.
    • Nutrients: Cannabis plants require a variety of nutrients, including macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micronutrients like calcium, iron, and zinc. These nutrients should be adjusted depending on the growth stage of the plant.
    • Temperature and Humidity: Cannabis plants thrive in specific temperature and humidity ranges, which vary slightly depending on the stage of growth. Maintaining these levels is essential to prevent stress and promote healthy development.

Common Cannabis Pests and Diseases: Understanding common cannabis pests and diseases can help growers prevent, identify, and treat issues that may arise. Common pests include spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies, while diseases can consist of root rot, powdery mildew, and various types of mold. Implementing preventative measures, closely monitoring plant health, and taking swift action when issues are identified is crucial for successful cannabis cultivation.

Understanding these fundamental aspects of cannabis growth is the first step to successfully cultivating the Permanent Marker strain. As we delve further into selecting your grow space and the specific processes involved in the cultivation of this strain, these basics will guide our decisions and actions, ensuring we provide the best possible conditions for our plants to thrive.

III. Selecting Your Grow Space

Deciding where to grow your Permanent Marker cannabis plants is an essential step in the cultivation process. This section will provide an overview of the pros and cons of indoor and outdoor cultivation, along with key factors to consider when setting up both types of grow spaces.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Cultivation: Pros and Cons

    • Indoor Cultivation: Growing cannabis indoors gives you more control over the environmental conditions, allowing you to manipulate factors such as light, temperature, and humidity. This could lead to higher quality yields and multiple harvests per year. However, indoor cultivation requires more equipment and can be more expensive due to the need for artificial lighting and climate control. It also requires more hands-on management, as you need to simulate the natural changes in weather and daylight that would occur outdoors.

    • Outdoor Cultivation: Growing cannabis outdoors can be less expensive since you’ll be using the sun for light and the natural climate for temperature and humidity control. It can also result in larger plants, as they have more room to spread out and grow. However, outdoor growing is subject to the whims of nature, including pests, weather fluctuations, and fewer annual harvests (depending on your location). Outdoor growth also requires a suitable climate for cannabis, which includes plenty of sunlight and a consistent temperature range.

Factors to Consider When Setting Up an Indoor Grow Space

    • Space: You’ll need a room or dedicated area that can be kept clean and organized. The space should be tall enough for your cannabis plants and the lighting system and should have enough area for your plants to spread out and grow.
    • Lighting: As plants rely on light for photosynthesis, you’ll need to invest in a quality grow light system. The most common types used in cannabis cultivation are High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lights, LED grow lights, Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs), and Fluorescent Tube Lights.
    • Ventilation: Proper airflow is critical for plant health. At a minimum, you’ll need an exhaust fan to remove hot air and a circulating fan to move air around your plants.
    • Climate Control: Equipment such as heaters, air conditioners, humidifiers, or dehumidifiers may be necessary to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels.

Factors to Consider When Setting Up an Outdoor Grow Space

    • Location: Your plants should be situated in a spot where they’ll get plenty of sunlight, preferably with southern exposure.
    • Soil: High-quality, nutrient-rich soil is crucial for healthy plant growth. The soil should also drain well to prevent waterlogging.
    • Water Source: You’ll need a reliable source of water nearby. The water should be tested to ensure it doesn’t contain high levels of minerals or chemicals that could harm your plants.
    • Privacy and Security: Ideally, the grow site should be hidden from public view to protect your plants from theft or unwanted attention. Fencing or other security measures may be necessary.

Whether you choose to cultivate Permanent Marker indoors or outdoors, both methods can lead to a successful harvest with the right approach. The choice depends on your individual circumstances, including your budget, available space, local climate, and the amount of time and effort you’re able to invest in your cannabis garden.

IV. Equipment and Setup

Setting up your cannabis growing operation, whether indoor or outdoor, requires a variety of specialized equipment. Below is a detailed list of the equipment needed for both setups, followed by a step-by-step guide for setting up your grow space.

Equipment List for Indoor Setup:

    • Grow Tent/Room: This is the enclosed space where your cannabis plants will grow. It should be light-proof to control the light cycle and easy to clean to avoid pest and disease issues.
    • Lighting System: As mentioned in the previous section, cannabis plants need light for photosynthesis. HID lights, LED grow lights, CFLs, and fluorescent tube lights are common choices.
    • Ventilation System: This should include an exhaust fan and a circulating fan at a minimum. Depending on your grow room size, you might also need air filters and ducting.
    • Climate Control Devices: Depending on your local climate, you might need heaters, air conditioners, humidifiers, or dehumidifiers to maintain optimal growing conditions.
    • Grow Medium: This could be soil or a soilless mix, depending on your chosen growing method.
    • Pots/Containers: These hold your grow medium and plants. They should have adequate drainage to prevent water-logging.
    • Nutrients: Cannabis plants need various nutrients to grow. You’ll need a balanced nutrient mix suitable for cannabis, which can be found at a garden center or a specialized grow shop.
    • pH Control Kit: This kit helps measure and adjust the pH level of your water and soil, ensuring it’s optimal for nutrient absorption.
    • Measuring Tools: Tools such as a thermometer/hygrometer for monitoring temperature and humidity, a light timer for controlling your lighting schedule, and a magnifying glass for inspecting your plants are crucial for successful growth.

Equipment List for Outdoor Setup:

    • Land/Plot: A suitable growing space that receives plenty of sunlight throughout the day.
    • Soil: High-quality, nutrient-rich soil that drains well.
    • Pots/Containers or Raised Beds: If you’re not planting directly into the ground, you’ll need pots or raised beds.
    • Watering System: This could be a simple watering can, a hose, or a more complex drip irrigation system.
    • Nutrients: A balanced nutrient mix suitable for cannabis.
    • Fencing/Security: To protect your plants from pests and prying eyes.
    • Measuring Tools: Like indoor grows, outdoor grows benefit from a thermometer/hygrometer and pH control kit.

Setting up Your Grow Space:

    • Step 1: Choose Your Location: For indoor grows, find a suitable room or space in your home. For outdoor grows, find a sunny, secure spot in your yard.
    • Step 2: Prepare Your Grow Space: Clean your indoor grow room or prepare your outdoor plot. For indoor grows, install your grow tent if you’re using one. For outdoor grows, clear away debris and prepare your soil.
    • Step 3: Install Your Lighting System: Hang your grow lights at the appropriate height above where your plants will be. If you’re growing outdoors, nature takes care of this step for you!
    • Step 4: Set Up Your Ventilation System: Install your fans and filters to ensure proper airflow. Outdoor will need to rely on natural ventilation, but consider wind protection if necessary.
    • Step 5: Install Your Climate Control Devices: Set up any necessary heaters, air conditioners, humidifiers, or dehumidifiers.
    • Step 6: Prepare Your Grow Medium and Pots: Fill your pots with your chosen growing medium, making sure to leave room for your plants.
    • Step 7: Set Up Your Watering and Feeding System: Prepare your watering can, irrigation system, and nutrient mixes.
    • Step 8: Install Measuring Tools: Place your thermometer/hygrometer and pH meter where you can easily read them.

With your grow space set up and equipped with the necessary tools, you’re now ready to start the process of increasing your Permanent Marker cannabis plants. Remember, the setup phase is crucial as it sets the foundation for your growing operation. Properly investing time and effort in this stage will yield dividends throughout the growing process.

V. Germinating Your Permanent Marker Seeds

Germination is the process of getting your cannabis seeds to sprout, and it’s the first step in starting your cannabis garden. The key factors affecting germination are moisture, warmth, and darkness. Let’s delve into the step-by-step guide to the germination process.

Materials Needed for Germination:

    • Permanent Marker cannabis seeds
    • Distilled water
    • Paper towels
    • Tweezers
    • Unbleached coffee filters or plates
    • Seedling pots
    • Seedling heat mat (optional)

Step-by-Step Germination Guide:

    • Step 1: Pre-soaking (Optional): Soaking seeds in distilled water for 12-24 hours before germination can increase the success rate. This process softens the seed shell and encourages the taproot’s emergence. After soaking, seeds that sink to the bottom are usually viable and ready for the next step. Floating seeds may still be viable but could take longer to germinate.
    • Step 2: Paper Towel Method: Take two paper towels and wet them with distilled water. The towels need to be damp but not soaking wet. Place your Permanent Marker seeds on one of the towels, spacing them out evenly. Cover the seeds with the second paper towel.
    • Step 3: Placement: Place the covered seeds between two plates or inside a folded, unbleached coffee filter. This will maintain the dark and moist conditions ideal for germination.
    • Step 4: Optimal Environment: Keep the seeds in a warm, dark place. The ideal temperature for cannabis seed germination is between 70-85°F (20-30°C). A seedling heat mat can help maintain this temperature range, especially in cooler climates.
    • Step 5: Waiting for Sprouting: Your seeds should begin to sprout within 24-120 hours (1-5 days). During this period, ensure the paper towels don’t dry out. Add more water if necessary, but avoid oversaturation.
    • Step 6: Transferring Sprouted Seeds: Once a seed sprouts and the white taproot emerges, it’s ready to be transferred to your growing medium. Using a pair of tweezers, gently pick up the sprouted seed and place it in a prepared seedling pot with the taproot facing down. Cover the seed with a thin layer of your grow medium.

Post-Germination Care: After the seeds are sown, they will need consistent light, heat, and moisture to develop into healthy seedlings. A common setup for this stage involves using fluorescent lights kept on 18-24 hours per day. The soil should always be kept moist but not waterlogged.

Germinating your Permanent Marker seeds is the first major step towards establishing your cannabis grow operation. While it might seem complicated at first, with careful attention and gentle handling, you’ll be able to shepherd your seeds into the next phase of their lifecycle—the seedling stage. As your seedlings emerge, they will require further specialized care, which we’ll cover in the next section.

VI. Caring for Your Seedlings and Young Plants

Once your seeds have germinated, the next phase in growing your Permanent Marker cannabis plants is to nurture them from fragile seedlings into sturdy, young plants. This stage of cannabis cultivation is critical because it sets the tone for the plant’s development and future productivity.

Understanding Seedling Stage: Seedlings are young cannabis plants that have just sprouted from seeds. A cannabis seedling begins its life with two small round leaves, called cotyledons, that serve as the plant’s initial energy source. As the plant develops, it grows its first set of true leaves, which have serrated edges familiar to cannabis.

Necessary Conditions and Care for Seedlings:

    • Light: Seedlings need plenty of light to grow but are also vulnerable to light burn. If you’re growing indoors, place the seedlings under fluorescent lights kept 2-3 inches above the top of the plants and leave the lights on for 18-24 hours a day. This encourages maximum photosynthesis without the risk of heat stress. If you’re growing outdoors, make sure the seedlings are getting gentle morning and evening sunlight and some shade during the hotter parts of the day.
    • Temperature and Humidity: Seedlings thrive in temperatures between 68-77°F (20-25°C) and relative humidity levels of 60-70%. Using a heat mat can help maintain optimal temperature levels, while a humidifier or a humidity dome can help keep humidity levels high.
    • Watering: Seedlings need consistent moisture but are susceptible to overwatering. Always water lightly, ensuring the growing medium is damp but not soaking wet. The top of the soil should dry out slightly between watering sessions.
    • Nutrition: In the seedling stage, plants do not require additional nutrients if planted in quality soil. If using a soilless medium, start feeding a mild, seedling-formulated nutrient solution about one week after the seeds have sprouted.
    • Transplanting: Seedlings start out in small containers but need to be moved to larger pots as they grow. Signs that a seedling is ready to be transplanted include the appearance of roots coming out of the drainage holes and the plant’s height being roughly equal to the diameter of its pot.

Moving into the Vegetative Stage: As the seedlings mature and start developing more nodes (places where leaves and branches form), they transition into the vegetative stage. This stage is characterized by rapid growth and the development of more complex leaf patterns. Conditions during this stage should be adjusted as follows:

    • Light: You can now switch to more powerful lights, like H.I.D.s or LEDs if growing indoors. Continue with an 18-6 light schedule (18 hours of light, 6 hours of darkness). Outdoor plants should continue to get as much sunlight as possible.
    • Temperature and Humidity: The optimal temperature is now slightly cooler, around 65-75°F (18-24°C), while humidity levels can be decreased to 40-60%.
    • Watering: As your plants get bigger, they’ll need more water, but always allow the top inch of the soil to dry out between watering sessions to prevent overwatering.
    • Nutrition: It’s now time to introduce a more complete nutrient regimen. Look for nutrient mixes specifically designed for the vegetative stage of cannabis, and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Training: Techniques like topping, low-stress training (L.S.T.), and high-stress training (H.S.T.) can be introduced to manage plant shape and size and maximize yield.

The care and attention given during the seedling and young plant stages of Permanent Marker growth will dictate the plant’s overall health, resistance to pests and diseases, and, ultimately, the quality and quantity of the flowers it produces. The transition into the vegetative stage signifies a period of rapid growth and development, leading the way to the flowering stage, which we’ll discuss next.

VII. Vegetative Stage and Flowering Stage

After successfully navigating the seedling stage, your Permanent Marker cannabis plants enter the vegetative stage. This is a period of rapid growth and development, where the plants establish a robust structural framework that will eventually support their flowers or buds. Following this, your plants will transition into the flowering stage, where they will produce the resinous buds that we all associate with mature cannabis. Let’s explore each of these stages in detail.

Part 1: Vegetative Stage

The vegetative stage is characterized by the growth of leaves, stems, and roots, which allows the plant to gather sunlight (or artificial light in the case of indoor growing) more efficiently for photosynthesis.

Duration and Light Schedule:

  1. The length of the vegetative stage can vary greatly, depending on the specific grow operation and the grower’s preferences. Indoors, you can control the length of the vegetative stage by manipulating the light cycle. Most indoor growers keep their plants in the vegetative stage by providing 18-24 hours of light per day.

  2. Outdoors, cannabis plants naturally enter the vegetative stage in late spring and early summer, when daylight hours are increasing. They stay in this stage until the summer solstice, which is usually around June 21, after which the daylight hours start decreasing, signaling the plant to enter the flowering stage.

Care and Maintenance:

During the vegetative stage, your Permanent Marker plants will require a lot of attention to ensure healthy and robust growth.

    • Watering: The watering needs of your cannabis plants will increase as they grow in size and number of leaves. However, the general rule of watering when the top inch of soil dries out still applies.
    • Nutrition: Cannabis plants in the vegetative stage require a high amount of nitrogen, along with adequate levels of phosphorus, potassium, and other micronutrients. Specialized cannabis nutrients that are high in nitrogen and designed for the vegetative stage are available.
    • Training: To increase yields and maintain control over the plant’s size and shape, various plant training techniques can be employed, such as topping, low-stress training (L.S.T.), and high-stress training (H.S.T.).
    • Pruning: This involves selectively removing leaves and branches to improve light penetration and airflow. Only remove up to 20% of the plant’s foliage at a time, and avoid pruning in the two weeks leading up to the switch to the flowering stage.
    • Pest and Disease Control: Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests and diseases. Prevention is always better than cure, so keep your growing environment clean and avoid introducing problems.

Part 2: Flowering Stage

The flowering stage is the final growth stage of the cannabis life cycle. This is when your Permanent Marker plants will produce the fragrant, sticky buds we harvest for their medicinal or recreational properties.

Initiating the Flowering Stage:

  1. For indoor growers, the flowering stage is initiated by changing the light schedule to 12 hours and 12 hours of darkness. This simulates the decreasing daylight hours of late summer and autumn, triggering the plants to flower.
  2. Outdoor growers rely on the natural change in daylight hours. The flowering stage typically begins after the summer solstice, when the days start getting shorter.

Phases of Flowering Stage:

The flowering stage is divided into two parts: early flowering and late flowering.

    • Early Flowering: This phase lasts for about 1-3 weeks. During this time, plants will continue growing in size and stature but will also start developing clusters of white, hair-like structures called pistils where the buds will form.
    • Late Flowering: This phase lasts from the 4th week until harvest time. During this time, the plants divert most of their energy to producing and ripening buds. The pistils will start to darken, and the buds will increase in size and density and produce more trichomes, giving them a frosty appearance.

Care and Maintenance:

The flowering stage requires specific care and attention for the best yields and bud quality.

    • Watering: Like the vegetative stage, water when the top inch of the soil is dry. However, be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to problems like root rot and fungal diseases.
    • Nutrition: During flowering, the nutritional needs of cannabis plants change. They now require more phosphorus and potassium, which are essential for bud development. Switch to a nutrient solution specifically designed for the flowering stage, which is high in these elements.
    • Light: Ensure your plants receive full-spectrum light for the best results. L.E.D. or HPS lights are typically used for indoor flowering cannabis plants.
    • Climate: Ideal temperatures are slightly cooler than the vegetative stage, around 65-80°F (18-26°C). Humidity levels should also be lower, around 40-50% at the start of flowering, gradually decreasing to 30-40% by the end.
    • Avoid Stress: Any form of stress—be it from training, pruning, or harsh environmental conditions—should be avoided during the flowering stage, as this can negatively affect bud development.
    • Observation: Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of pests or diseases. Also, monitor the ripening of buds. Buds are usually ready for harvest when 60-70% of the pistils have darkened.

The care and effort put into the vegetative and flowering stages of your Permanent Marker plants will reward you with a high-quality yield. It’s essential to monitor your plants closely throughout these stages, making necessary adjustments in their care and environment. With patience, attention, and a little bit of green thumb magic, you’ll soon be ready for the final stages—harvesting, drying, and curing your buds—which will be discussed in the upcoming section.

VIII. Flowering Stage and Harvesting: Complete Guide

Transitioning from the vegetative to the flowering stage, your Permanent Marker cannabis plants will undergo significant changes. They’ll stop focusing on developing foliage and instead put their energy into producing flowers or buds. Let’s navigate through the flowering stage right up to the harvest.

Transitioning to the Flowering Stage

The transition to the flowering stage is induced by changing the light cycle to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness per day. This simulates the change of seasons and prompts the plant to start producing buds. It’s essential to ensure that the dark periods are entirely uninterrupted. Even a brief flash of light can cause stress and lead to problems such as hermaphroditism.

Understanding the Flowering Stages

The flowering stage is typically divided into the early, mid, and late stages.

  • Early Flowering: This is when you’ll first start to see your plants developing small bunches of pistils where the buds will soon grow. During this stage, the plant will also undergo a significant growth spurt, often referred to as “the stretch.”
  • Mid Flowering: This stage is when the buds start to fill out, and the plant will begin producing the trichomes that contain the cannabinoids. You’ll notice that your cannabis buds are getting bigger and denser each day.
  • Late Flowering: By this stage, your plant is diverting nearly all its energy to the buds. You’ll see the buds swelling and the trichomes becoming milky in color. This is also the time to start flushing your plants to remove any residual nutrients and improve the taste of your final product.

Caring for Your Plants During Flowering

Caring for your cannabis plants during the flowering stage involves careful monitoring and maintenance of several key factors:

  • Lighting: As mentioned earlier, the flowering stage requires a 12/12 light cycle. Make sure the dark periods are uninterrupted to prevent stress. Many growers also switch to lights with a spectrum more towards the red end, which can encourage bud development.
  • Temperature and Humidity: Lowering both temperature and humidity can help prevent mold and improve the quality of your buds. Aim for temperatures of around 65-80°F (18-26°C) and relative humidity of 40-50%, gradually reducing to around 30% by the end of flowering.
  • Feeding: Your plants’ nutrient needs will also change. They’ll require less nitrogen and more phosphorus and potassium to promote bud development. Make sure to follow a flowering-stage feeding schedule as per your nutrient manufacturer’s instructions.

Monitoring Plant Health and Spotting Problems

During flowering, it’s important to check your plants for signs of pests and diseases regularly. Bud rot and powdery mildew can be particularly problematic, and pests like spider mites can cause significant damage. Additionally, nutrient deficiencies or overfeeding can also cause issues. Yellowing leaves are common as the plant draws nutrients away to support bud growth, but excessive yellowing or other discoloration can be a sign of problems.

When to Harvest

Knowing when to harvest your Permanent Marker strain can be tricky. Harvesting too early can result in lower potency while harvesting too late can lead to a more sedative effect. One commonly used method is to examine the trichomes with a magnifying glass or jeweler’s loupe. When the majority of trichomes have turned milky white, and some are amber, it’s usually the ideal time to harvest.

Harvesting Your Plants

Harvesting involves several steps:

  • Trimming: First, you’ll need to trim away the larger fan leaves and the smaller sugar leaves. Some growers prefer to do this after drying, but doing it before can help improve airflow and prevent mold during drying.
  • Cutting: Once you’ve trimmed your plant, you can cut it down. Some growers cut the whole plant, while others cut individual branches.
  • Drying: Hang your cut plants or branches upside down in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated space. Drying should take about 7-14 days.
  • Curing: After drying, the buds are placed in jars for the curing process. This process involves opening the jars for a few minutes each day to allow for air exchange and to let any moisture escape.

By carefully managing the flowering stage, you can ensure that your Permanent Marker strain develops to its full potential, offering high-quality, potent buds. Remember that patience and careful observation are key in these final stages of growth. Taking the time to dry and cure your buds properly will also significantly impact the final taste and potency of your product. Happy harvesting!

IX. Troubleshooting Common Issues in Growing Permanent Marker Strain

Growing cannabis can be rewarding, but it’s not without its challenges. In this section, we’ll examine common issues you might face when growing the Permanent Marker strain, including how to identify, prevent, and treat these problems.

Nutrient Deficiencies and Overfeeding

Nutrient imbalances are among the most common problems cannabis growers face. Both deficiencies (not providing enough nutrients) and toxicities (providing too many nutrients) can harm your plants.

Signs of nutrient deficiencies vary depending on the specific nutrient, but they often include yellowing or discolored leaves, slow growth, and weak or droopy plants. For instance, nitrogen deficiency often presents as yellowing lower leaves, while potassium deficiency may cause yellowing along the leaf edges.

Overfeeding or nutrient burn, on the other hand, usually causes the tips of leaves to turn yellow or brown. Over time, this discoloration can spread inward from the tips.

To prevent and manage nutrient issues, it’s crucial to follow a proper feeding schedule based on your plants’ life stage and your growing medium. Use nutrient solutions designed for cannabis and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If problems arise, flush the growing medium with pure, pH-balanced water, then gradually reintroduce nutrients.

pH Imbalance

Cannabis plants prefer slightly acidic conditions. In soil, aim for a pH of 6.0-7.0, while in hydroponics or soilless mediums, target a pH of 5.5-6.5. When pH levels stray from these ranges, it can prevent plants from absorbing nutrients, leading to deficiencies even when nutrients are present.

Testing the pH of your water and growing medium regularly can help you catch and correct imbalances before they harm your plants. Use a quality pH meter and adjust your water’s pH using pH up or down solutions as necessary.

Pests and Diseases

Various pests and diseases can affect cannabis plants. Common pests include spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies, while common diseases include powdery mildew and bud rot.

Prevention is the best approach to pests and diseases. Maintain a clean growing environment, provide good air circulation, and monitor your plants regularly for signs of problems. Organic pest control methods, such as introducing beneficial insects, can be very effective. If a problem does arise, identify the specific pest or disease and apply an appropriate treatment promptly.

Light Burn and Heat Stress

Both light burn and heat stress can damage your cannabis plants if not addressed. Light burn typically happens when lights are too close to the plants, causing the leaves to turn yellow or brown, curl upwards, and appear “crispy.”

Heat stress, which often goes hand-in-hand with light burn in indoor grows, can cause leaves to curl, become discolored, and exhibit slow or stunted growth. Both issues can be mitigated by monitoring your grow room’s temperature, adjusting the placement and intensity of your lights, and ensuring good air circulation.

Overwatering and Underwatering

Both overwatering and underwatering can harm your plants. 

Overwatering, which is the more common issue, can lead to root rot and prevent your plants from absorbing oxygen. Underwatering, on the other hand, can cause your plants to become dehydrated and wilt.

Ensure your plants have good drainage, and use the “knuckle test” to check when your plants need water: stick your finger about an inch into the soil, and if it feels dry, it’s time to water.

As with any gardening endeavor, growing the Permanent Marker cannabis strain is a learning process. Even experienced growers encounter problems occasionally. The key is to stay vigilant, catch issues early, and take appropriate action. In doing so, you can keep your plants healthy and thriving, leading to a successful and bountiful harvest.

X. How To Grow the Permanent Marker Strain: Conclusion 

Over the course of this guide, we have explored the complete process of growing the Permanent Marker cannabis strain from germination through to harvesting. We’ve delved into each stage’s requirements, exploring how to optimize conditions for your plants, and we’ve examined common problems you may encounter along the way and strategies to overcome them.

Growing your cannabis can be a rewarding endeavor. Not only does it allow you to ensure the quality and purity of your product, but it can also provide you with a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. The knowledge that you’ve nurtured your plants from tiny seeds to mature, flower-producing specimens can amplify the enjoyment of the final product.

However, this is only possible by first sourcing high-quality, reliable genetics. The genetics of your cannabis seeds are what ultimately determine the potential of your plants. The best care and growing conditions can only compensate for good genetics. High-quality genetics ensure your plants have the potential to yield abundant, potent flowers and are resilient against pests and diseases.

Regarding sourcing your genetics, is the best platform for reliable, high-quality cannabis seeds. They provide an extensive selection of cannabis genetics from the world’s top breeders, including the Permanent Marker strain, ensuring you’ll be starting your growing journey with the best potential for success.

Remember, the genetics of your cannabis seeds are a crucial factor in your growth. Permanent Marker, with its lineage from Biscotti, Jealousy, and Sherb BX, offers a robust genetic profile that manifests in its potency, unique flavor profile, and bountiful yields. When starting with such potent genetics, it’s a joy to observe how plants develop and express these genetic traits under your care.

To ensure that you’re giving your “Permanent Marker” cannabis plants the best possible care, remember the key points we’ve covered in this guide:

  • Germination: Use proven methods like the paper towel method to germinate your seeds safely. Care and attention at this stage set the stage for a healthy plant.
  • Seedling Stage: Monitor conditions closely. Seedlings are delicate and require the right environment to thrive.
  • Vegetative Stage: This is a period of rapid growth. Provide ample light, nutrients, and water. Techniques like LST, topping, and ScrOG can be employed to maximize growth and eventual yield.
  • Flowering Stage: Adjust your light cycle to induce flowering. Monitor the development of your buds closely, and harvest when the trichomes are mostly milky white with some amber.
  • Harvesting: Proper drying and curing after the harvest significantly impact the final quality of your buds.
  • Troubleshooting: Always monitor your plants for signs of nutrient deficiencies, pH imbalances, pests, diseases, light burns, and water-related issues. Catching and addressing these issues early will keep your plants healthy and productive.

Growing the Permanent Marker cannabis strain is a process that requires patience, diligence, and continual learning. But with high-quality genetics from, the right knowledge, and a commitment to providing the best care for your plants, you can look forward to a rewarding harvest of potent, aromatic buds.

Whether you’re a first-time grower or an experienced cultivator looking to try a new strain, the Permanent Marker strain offers an exciting growing experience with the promise of a rich, flavorful, and potent harvest. So why wait? Head over to, get your Permanent Marker seeds, and start your growing journey today!

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